With renewed energy from May Day, we call on our communities to continue to organize, to continue to grow our skills through attending Know Your Rights and rapid response trainings, and to build our solidarity and unity in defense of the rights and well-being of our communities. Si Se Puede!

Caregivers, house cleaners, and nannies shared their stories and testimonies at hearings, press conferences, and lobby visits to make sure that domestic worker voices are heard by legislators and the public on the issues that most impact them.
In alliance with community organizations across the state, we have collectively pushed forward SB 54 The California Values Act, SB 562 The Healthy California Act, and SB 258 The Cleaning Products Right to Know Act through their first committees! Leaders from the Pilipino Workers Center stood in strong opposition to SB 482 and continue to advocate to maintain strong worksite protections for live-in and 24 hour caregivers and the clients they support.
And of course, we will be back in the capitol soon, advocating for domestic worker rights and well-being at California Immigrant Policy Center’s Immigrant Day!
Join us to learn how you can act in solidarity with domestic workers!
Saturday, May 13, 2017 from 2pm-5pm – Building #SanctuaryHomes
Movement Strategy Center Offices – 436 14th Street, Suite 500 in downtown Oakland (directly above the 12th Street BART station)