California Domestic Workers Coalition
Last year, we made history together in passing SB1015 The Domestic Worker Bill of Rights. We showed the rest of the country that when domestic workers and employers unite, we are unstoppable. Now, the fight to defend the dignity of our families is even more urgent under the new administration. If living our politics begins at home, now is the time to make our homes a center for political action.
For those of us who are employers of domestic workers, we know that most of the childcare providers, house cleaners, and home attendants working in our homes are women and many are immigrants; they are among the people who have been and will be most targeted in this political moment. One big thing we can do is support the women, people of color, and/or immigrants who work in our homes. For those of us who aren’t employers or care consumers, our homes can still serve as centers for moral action, transforming where we live into a foundation for building the world as we believe it should be. Together, our homes can be an important frontline in opposing the attacks on our communities.
“Everywhere you go, you will see immigrants making our city, our state, and our country stronger and more beautiful. That’s why people in Oakland are taking to the streets, the airports, and even taking action right in their own homes: to show that in this city we stand up for each other and we protect each other’s rights!” – Meg Yardley, Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network
As a member of the California Domestic Worker Coalition’s steering committee, Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network is uniting with domestic worker organizations across the state to launch the #SanctuaryHomes campaign, so we can all find ways to live our politics at home.  Click here to learn more and sign up for the #SanctuaryHomes campaign.

#SanctuaryHomes is, at its heart, true community organizing. Domestic workers and employers are uniting to mobilize neighbors, families and friends to join the campaign and take action to support and defend immigrants and other targeted communities.
Sign up and get started by downloading and posting the “Solidarity Begins at Home” poster.
Please join us at Hand in Hand and the California Domestic Workers Coalition and make your home a sanctuary.
Because solidarity begins at home.
Lindsay Imai Hong, Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network, member of the California Domestic Workers Coalition