With energy and inspiration, we are proud to share that after organizing for nearly three years, caregivers together with the Pilipino Workers Center (PWC) reached a precedent-setting victory in the private homecare industry and saw their rights transformed into a reality in their lives.
Earlier this month, we joined the PWC and Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer to announce the settlement against Southern California homecare providers Emelyn Entino Nishi, Joe Derick Regoyal, and their companies Health Alliance Nurses Corp. and Hand Homecare Provider, Inc.. Entino Nishi and her companies were mandated to correct illegal employment practices, which included paying 24-hour homecare workers as little as $4.50 per hour with no overtime.
Will you help us amplify this important victory? Click here to sign the letter calling on other homecare agencies to do their part in upholding the dignity and rights of domestic workers across California!
“They were robbing us of our hard earned wages. This is a victory not only for me and my family, but for all caregivers. It sends a message that we should not stay silent out of fear. We must educate ourselves and ask questions. And when we stand up for our rights, we win!” – Josephine Biclar, Former caregiver with Health Alliance Nurses Corp. and member leader of the Pilipino Worker Center
This victory is just the beginning. We know that this case against Entino Nishi and her companies is not unique and that caregivers who work in private homes report frequent abuse across agencies and employers in the homecare industry.
Now, domestic workers across California are standing up against wage theft and exploitation and are taking action to make the rights that they’ve won in the Capitol become a reality in their everyday lives.